Altula Chile

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Libros de M. B. Brozon (2 libros)

De Drácula a Madero

Libro De Drácula a Madero

Juan Pablo y Marisol quisieron invocar al famoso escritor de Drácula . El ritual de los jóvenes no vislumbraba éxito. Tampoco contemplaba que los protagonistas fueran arrojados del presente al preámbulo de la Decena Trágica. Deambularán por una ciudad en guerra y, en su intento por volver al presente, conocerán a personajes que pautaron el rumbo de México. Un libro que explora uno de los acontecimiento históricos más trascendentes en la historia de México.

Historia Sobre Un Corazon Roto... y Tal Vez Un Par de Colmillos

Libro Historia Sobre Un Corazon Roto... y Tal Vez Un Par de Colmillos

Sebastian can't sleep because his new neighbors' dog won't stop barking at night. This is the best excuse he has to meet his neighbor, with whom he is hopelessly in love. Nadia is strange and mysterious; in fact, his friend Pedro is sure that she is a vampire. But none of this matters to Sebastian, who is determined to confess his love for her. So between pranks and nearly heroic acts, Sebastian discovers the distance that too often lies between dreams and reality. Considering the freshness of the narration and the nearness of Sebastian's experiences and readers' lives, it doesn't surprise us ...