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Libros de Maria Koran (3 libros)

Los estados de la materia — Los líquidos

Libro Los estados de la materia — Los líquidos

Did you know that liquids take the shape of their containers? If liquids get hot, they can become gases. Discover more interesting facts in Liquids, part of the States of Matter series of EYEDISCOVER books.

Los estados de la materia — Los gases

Libro Los estados de la materia — Los gases

Did you know that gases have no size or shape? Gases can become liquids when they get cold. Discover more interesting facts in Gases, part of the States of Matter series of EYEDISCOVER books.

Los ciclos de vida — Las Mariposas

Libro Los ciclos de vida — Las Mariposas

Did you know that baby butterflies look like worms with legs? Caterpillars turn into butterflies inside a shell. Discover more about these flying insects in Butterflies, part of the Life Cycles series of EYEDISCOVER books.