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Libros de Tim Lahaye (3 libros)

Dejados atrás

Libro Dejados atrás

Bruno Barnes has been teaching Julio, Victoria, Leonel, and Ryan about the events that are going to happen during the Tribulation. They are certain that Christ will return for them, but one question remains: Who is the Antichrist?. Bruno believes he knows. The kids are not so sure until a man who has met the Antichrist shares with them his terrifying story.

El Secreto Del Monte Ararat / Babylon Rising: the Secret on Ararat

Libro El Secreto Del Monte Ararat / Babylon Rising: the Secret on Ararat

Biblical scholar/archaeologist Michael Murphy continues his pursuit of the most elusive of all Old Testament artifacts: the vestiges of Noah's Ark.

El surgimiento

Libro El surgimiento

The countdown to Rapture begins as Marilena Carpathia unknowingly gives birth to the Antichrist, and half a world away, God's plans begin to take form in young Ray Steele.