Atentamente, Ricitos de Oro

Presents the correspondence of Goldilocks, the three pigs, Baby Bear, Peter Rabbit, and Little Red Riding Hood as they plan to attend a housewarming party for the pigs and avoid the evil wolves in the forest.
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Presents the correspondence of Goldilocks, the three pigs, Baby Bear, Peter Rabbit, and Little Red Riding Hood as they plan to attend a housewarming party for the pigs and avoid the evil wolves in the forest.
La señora Cabra y sus cabritos contratan al arquitecto Don Cerdo que les planee una casa nueva y grande. Cuando la casa está hecha, van a mueblerías y compran todo lo que necesitan para su hogar. Después van a un restaurante a comer.
When you order this book from thePoetry genre of the Puertas al sol or Gateways to the Sun collections, you will receive its correspondingjournal FREE ( Poemas Journal D)
Champ the Scamp hitches a ride in the basket for the Fourth of July picnic. Includes nonfiction information about the holiday.
Los niños se ponen felices cuando su mamá les hace un papalote. Se pierde el papalote. Al buscarlo, encuentran un gatito sin hogar.
An African-American family gets together to celebrate Kwanzaa, but the celebration is spoiled because their beloved pet cat is missing. As the family sets off on a quest to find the cat, the reader learns about the seven values celebrated in Kwanzaa in a simple and entertaining way. Includes and informative section about the holiday.
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