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Algoritmos: la base de la programación de computadoras (Algorithms: The Building Blocks of Computer Programming)

Descripción del libro

Libro Algoritmos: la base de la programación de computadoras (Algorithms: The Building Blocks of Computer Programming)

Algorithms might sound like a complicated tech term, but don't be intimidated, people actually use them every day. Using accessible language and full-color photographs, this book simplifies algorithms in an easy-to-understand way. Readers will be amazed to learn that an algorithm is just a set of steps for computers to follow to get things done. STEM topics from the Next Generation Science Standards are emphasized throughout the text. Sidebars featuring key terms help readers grow their tech vocabulary, and fact boxes provide additional opportunities to learn.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 34


  • Daniel R. Faust


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87 Valoraciones Totales

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