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Inteligencia artificial: computadoras y máquinas inteligentes (Artificial Intelligence: Clever Computers and Smart Machines)

Descripción del libro

Libro Inteligencia artificial: computadoras y máquinas inteligentes (Artificial Intelligence: Clever Computers and Smart Machines)

For ages, the idea of machines that think and act on their own has gripped scientists, thinkers, and the general public. This book explores the history of artificial intelligence (A.I.), and how science fiction is quickly becoming science fact. It examines the technologies involved in A.I. and its inevitable effects on work, life, health, and many other aspects of human society. Rooted in history and science, this book provides an inside look at a topic that captivates engineers, scientists, and dreamers, but also raises important ethical issues and challenges how we see ourselves and our mechanical and computer creations.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 48


  • Joe Greek


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