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¡Analízalo! (Analyze It!)

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Libro ¡Analízalo! (Analyze It!)

Introduce students to the scientific method with this Spanish science reader that features easy-to-read text. This book teaches important scientific topics and vocabulary terms including hypothesis, data, experiment, conclusion, method, research, and more. Nonfiction text features include a glossary, index, and detailed images to facilitate close reading and help students connect back to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the book also includes a fun and engaging science experiment to develop critical thinking and help students practice what they have learned.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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54 Valoraciones Totales

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La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Libro La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Learn about the Earth and the Moon with this engaging Spanish science reader. With easy-to-read text, this book teaches students important scientific concepts and vocabulary including the phases of the Moon, the movement of the Earth around the sun, and the rotation of the Earth. Aligned to state and national standards, the book contains nonfiction text features like an index, a glossary, captions, bold font, and detailed images to keep students connected to the text. A hands-on science experiment helps students apply what they have learned and develops critical thinking skills.

Fotosíntesis (Photosynthesis)

Libro Fotosíntesis (Photosynthesis)

Learn all about the process of photosynthesis with this fascinating science reader! This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about photosynthesis and introduces them to important scientific concepts and terminology. The colorful images, diagrams, sidebars, and text features will keep students connected to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book!

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Frida Kahlo

Libro Frida Kahlo

Per què Frida Kahlo és una icona de l'art? Va patir molts dolors físics i penalitats, però es va valer de les seves pintures audaces per expressar el que sentia i construir una identitat pròpia. Descobreix una de les pintores més fascinants del segle xx amb aquest retrat colorista de la seva vida tan extraordinària.

Para pertenecer a la gran familia mexicana:

Libro Para pertenecer a la gran familia mexicana:

Este libro reseña cómo, entre 1828 y 1917, las leyes de naturalización establecieron lo que los extranjeros tenían que ser y hacer para dejar de serlo, y cómo los encargados del proceso transformaron un trámite burocrático en un espacio de control para un grupo que, aunque pequeño, era considerado peligroso. Por otra parte, las solicitudes de quienes querían "pertenecer a la gran familia mexicana" no sólo daban pruebas de que cumplían con los requisitos legales. También expresaban las razones por las cuales querían cambiar de nacionalidad, escritas en clave de lo que creían eran ...

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