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Caramelos pegajosos (Pulling Taffy) ebook

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Libro Caramelos pegajosos (Pulling Taffy) ebook

Have you ever wondered how the wind makes a kite fly? Learn about the wind with this fun STEAM book for kindergarten that makes it easy for parents and teachers to introduce STEAM and beginner science topics to their youngest learners. Created in collaboration with Smithsonian, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to make STEAM topics easier to understand. It features an age-appropriate STEAM activity that is perfect for makerspaces and introduces English language learners to the steps of the engineering design process. It helps beginning readers learn to read and is ideal for kindergarten students and ages 4-6.

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Cantidad de páginas 20



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Libro ¿Sólido o líquido? (Solid or Liquid?)

This Spanish book introduces students to the concepts of solids and liquids. With images that are easy to identify and clear, simple sentence structures, this science reader simplifies scientific concepts for young students as they improve their reading skills. A fun and easy science experiment and Your Turn! activity provide more in-depth opportunities for additional learning. Nonfiction text features include a glossary and an index. Engage students in learning with this dynamic text!

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¡Únete aCamila el hada de los pastelillos en su mundo mágico!Diviértete completando las lindas actividades con etiquetas de pastelillos. Cada página de este libro en forma de pastelillos está llena de diferentes actividades y juegos.

Una piedra inmóvil

Libro Una piedra inmóvil

En medio de la naturaleza descansaba una piedra. Y la piedra era muchas cosas, dependiendo de quién la miraba y visitaba. Podía ser un refugio o esconder mortales peligros. Podía ser un lugar de reunión o un trono para sentarse. Podía ser infranqueable o insignificante. Pero lo importante es que ahí donde descansaba, pasaba la vida. En este álbum ilustrado que recuerda a autores como Lane Smith o Philip C. Stead, Brendan Wenzel permite que la naturaleza fluya alrededor de una única piedra y convierte su poema en una pasarela exquisita de animales, plantas, estaciones y cambios de...

Jonás y el Gran Pez

Libro Jonás y el Gran Pez

"My Friends in the Bible" is a collection of beautifully illustrated stories, with simple phrases that children will understand. The story of Jonah shows us the importance of being obedient to the Word of God. The large typeface has been especially designed for little readers.

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