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Catechism of the Catholic Church

Descripción del libro

Libro Catechism of the Catholic Church

The purpose of this catechism is to present an organic and synthetic exposition of the essential and fundamental contents of Catholic doctrine both on faith and on morals, in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the entire Tradition of the Church. Its main sources are Sacred Scripture, the Holy Fathers, the Liturgy and the Magisterium of the Church. It is intended to serve "as a point of reference for catechisms or compendia that are drawn up in different countries" (Synod of Bishops 1985. Final Report II BA 4). Catechesis is the name given to all the efforts made in the Church to make disciples, to help men to believe that Jesus is the Son of God so that, by faith, they may have life in his name, and to educate and instruct them. in this life and thus build the Body of Christ (Cf. John Paul II, CT 1,2). The purpose of First Communion is the education in the faith of children, youth and adults, which especially includes a teaching of Christian doctrine. In a more specific sense, “globally, catechesis can be considered here as an education in the faith of children, young people and adults that especially includes a teaching of Christian doctrine, generally imparted in an organic and systematic way with a view to initiating the fullness of the Christian life ”(CT 18).

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  • Holyspirit


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