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Escuela de niños grandes (Big Kid School) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

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Libro Escuela de niños grandes (Big Kid School) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

What will you do at big kid school? Will you run and paint? Will you sing and learn? Read this book to find out just how cool big kid school will be. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need to embark on the adventures that await them while reading!

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : La Escuela Primaria

Cantidad de páginas 16



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13 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Dona Herweck Rice

Estadounidense de todo a todo (American Through and Through) (Spanish Version)

Libro Estadounidense de todo a todo (American Through and Through) (Spanish Version)

What does it mean to be red, white, and blue? Take a look inside this book to find out and to learn what it means to love the country that you call home. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need to embark on the adventures that await them while reading!

¡Pégale! Historia de las herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Pégale! Historia de las herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools) (Spanish Version)

Find out how tools have helped people hunt, build, and make life easier in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With colorful images, timelines, charts, a glossary to assist with vocabulary improvement, and an index, children will learn how tools throughout time have made such an important impact on life as we know it! Featured eras include the Stone Age and the Industrial Revolution.

Lo que ve un científico (What a Scientist Sees)

Libro Lo que ve un científico (What a Scientist Sees)

This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about the scientific method and introduces them to important scientific concepts and vocabulary terms like hypothesis, variables, prediction, comparisons, observation, and longitudinal study. The intriguing images, detailed diagrams, and stimulating sidebars will keep students connected to the text. The fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports differentiation. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book.

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