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La dieta Keto: Reinicia tu metabolismo en 21 días y quema grasa de forma definitiva / The Keto Reset Diet

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Libro La dieta Keto: Reinicia tu metabolismo en 21 días y quema grasa de forma definitiva / The Keto Reset Diet

Un innovador plan en 21 días que te enseñará a restablecer tu metabolismo para que quemes grasa y no la recuperes. Una dieta sana y efectiva. En tan solo 21 días puedes reprogramar tu metabolismo para quemar grasa como combustible, abandonando granos procesados, azúcares y aceites vegetales refinados en favor de alimentos ricos en nutrientes, altos en grasa y primarios / paleo: los resultados son inmediatos. Con más de 100 recetas deliciosas, aprende cómo llevar a cabo el cambio de vida más profundo que conseguirá que pierdas peso y mejores tu salud para que tu cuerpo se transforme. El experto en salud y bienestar Mark Sisson es el autor bestseller Los diez mandamientos del cavernícola y una de las voces más importantes en torno al Movimiento de Salud Evolutiva. Su blog,, ha permitido que los entusiastas del movimiento paleo desafíen la sabiduría convencional sobre alimentación y ejercicio y asuman un papel activo en torno a su salud y bienestar. Mark Sisson es egresado de la licenciatura en biología por el Williams College y es excampeón de Ironman. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Mark Sisson—author of the mega-bestseller The Primal Blueprint—unveils his groundbreaking ketogenic diet plan that resets your metabolism in 21 days so you can burn fat forever. Mounting scientific research is confirming that eating a ketogenic diet could represent one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time—and that it might be the healthiest and most effective weight loss strategy ever. Going “keto” by eating high fat, low-to-moderate protein and low-carb foods enables you to break free from the disastrous effects of carbohydrate dependency by resetting your metabolism and promoting metabolic flexibility—where your body learns to burns fat instead of sugar for energy, even when you go off plan. Unlike many other ketogenic programs that require challenging restrictions and deprivation or offer misinformation, Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of the #1 paleo blog, presents a unique two-step, scientifically validated approach for going keto the right way. He first reveals the real secret to rapid and sustained weight loss, which is in becoming "fat-adapted" before entering full nutritional ketosis. This process allows your body to learn to burn fat more efficiently, resulting in increased and sustained weight loss over the long-term. It takes as little as 21-days to reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for fuel, by ditching processed grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils in favor of nutrient-dense, high fat, primal/paleo foods--and you'll see immediate results. Next, you’ll fine-tune with Intermittent Fasting and then foray into full ketogenic eating for a further weight loss boost and improved health. With The Keto Reset Diet, you can eat to total satisfaction by enjoying rich, high-satiety foods, and even weather occasional slip-ups. You’ll use keto as a lifelong tool to stay trim, healthy, energetic, and free from the disastrous health conditions caused by the typical American diet. With step-by-step guidance, daily meal plans and a recipe section with over 100 delicious keto-friendly recipes, this is the definitive guide to help the keto-beginner or the experienced health enthusiast understand the what, why, and how to succeed with ketogenic eating.

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  • Mark Sisson


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