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La verdad sobre las mentiras

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Libro La verdad sobre las mentiras

The Colombian author and politician tells of his experience as a witness in a recent trial on the financing of political campaigns in Colombia with funds from organized crime.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 256


  • Santiago Medina Serna


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Utilizing native speakers, this guide offers a quintessential course in Spanish. Here, listeners will perfect their pronunciation and listening skills.

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Builder

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Each book comes with a companion CD which includes (American) pronunciation of the most frequently used words and phrases from the text. Perfect as a classroom supplement or self-study tool. Appropriate for all ages and levels of study. Exercises at the end of each chapter. Many words are nearly the same as their English counterparts due to their common Latin origin. The only difference is the word ending. For example, you can translate most English words ending in 'ant' (such as 'arrogant').

La Muerte y la Doncella: el teatro como provocacion politica

Libro La Muerte y la Doncella: el teatro como provocacion politica

Seminar paper del año 2005 en eltema Romanística - Idiomas de América Latina, literatura, cultura general, Nota: 2,0, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Institut für romanische Sprachen und Literaturen), Materia: Topographien Erinnerung und transicion, 9 Citas bibliográficas, Idioma: Español, Resumen: En este trabajo, intentaremos analizar la obra teatral de Ariel DorfmanLa muerte y la doncellacon referencia a una pregunta muy central para la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea: ¿en qué medida se puede considerar una obra literaria una provocación política? ...

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