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La verdad sobre las mentiras

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Libro La verdad sobre las mentiras

The Colombian author and politician tells of his experience as a witness in a recent trial on the financing of political campaigns in Colombia with funds from organized crime.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 256


  • Santiago Medina Serna


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18 Valoraciones Totales

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Renaissance and Baroque Poetry of Spain

Libro Renaissance and Baroque Poetry of Spain

In Spanish. This volume, while including many of the usual anthology pieces from Spanish poetry, provides a sampling of the major genres of poetry associated with Spains older literary traditions, omitting only the classical epic. In addition to English prose translations, this collection also includes a seventeen-page introduction intended to define the genres and to indicate briefly the lines along which they developed. Includes selections from these poets of the Renaissance: Juan Boscn, Cristbal de Castillejo, Garcilaso de la Vega, Gutierre de Cetina, Francisco de la Torre, Hernando de...

El demonio de la solead en la novela El general en su laberinto de Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Libro El demonio de la solead en la novela El general en su laberinto de Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Seminar paper del año 1998 en eltema Romanística - Idiomas de América Latina, literatura, cultura general, Nota: bestanden, Universität Hamburg (Zentrales Fremdspracheninstitut), Materia: Lese-/Schreibübung (b), 7 Citas bibliográficas, Idioma: Español, Resumen: „daimon“/„daimonion“ describe un ser divino subordinado que ocupa los grados medios y bajos en contraposición a dioses de alto rango en la jerarquía divina. Segun la religión griega antigua los „daimones“ fueron malos fantasmas que tomaban posesión del hombre y que provocaban enfermedades mentales y otras...

Double Cross Level 3

Libro Double Cross Level 3

A fast-moving international thriller set in Scandinavia, London, and southern Africa. A politician nearly dies in Stockholm, and secret agent Monika Lundgren chases the would-be killer. As she races across the world she meets a strange football team, a rock musician, and a madman with dreams of world power.

Temas selectos de inglés 1

Libro Temas selectos de inglés 1

In 2018, the High School Program (Educación Media Superior) was updated to comply with its essential purpose: to generate in the students the development of a first personal and social synthesis prior to their access to higher education, as well as providing an understanding of their society, preparing them for a possible job. The inclusion of two six-credit additional courses in the last year is part of this update that belongs to the Communication disciplinary area, as Preparation Components. The expectations of Selected Topics in English 2 in sixth semester are oriented towards...

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