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La verdad sobre las mentiras

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Libro La verdad sobre las mentiras

The Colombian author and politician tells of his experience as a witness in a recent trial on the financing of political campaigns in Colombia with funds from organized crime.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 256


  • Santiago Medina Serna


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Studies in Caribbean Spanish Dialectology

Libro Studies in Caribbean Spanish Dialectology

The editors and fourteen other research linguists discuss--in English and in Spanish--the African influence on Caribbean phonology, dominant sociolinguistic attitudes in Puerto Rico, and historico-legal aspects of bilingualism in colonial Hispanic America.

Planet@ 1

Libro Planet@ 1

Órbita 1 - (color verde): presentación de la primera situación, muestra de lengua y explotación de exponentes funcionales; Órbita 2 (color laranja): presentación de la segunda situación, muestra de lengua y explotación de exponentes funcionales.

Los amigos de Becky

Libro Los amigos de Becky

This Spanish edition of Becky and Her Friends, by Rolando Hinojosa, is the latest novel in Hinojosa's Klail City Death Trip series which follows generations of Anglos and Mexicans in the fictional Rio Grande Valley town of Klail City, Texas. In this novel, however, Hinojosa focuses on a character who has previously not taken the limelight: the strong-willed, upwardly mobile Becky Escobar. Following her story, Hinojosa explores the world of Latinas: women's culture, language and spirit in the world of the Valley. Delightfully playful in narrative perspective, this story gives the reader a...

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