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Los sonidos del español

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Libro Los sonidos del español

This accessible textbook provides a clear introduction to the sounds of Spanish. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, it explains from scratch the fundamentals of phonetics (the study of speech sounds) and phonology (the study of sound systems) and describes in detail the phonetic and phonological characteristics of Spanish as it is spoken in both Spain and Latin America. Topics covered include consonants, vowels, acoustics, stress, syllables, intonation, and aspects of variation within Spanish. Clear comparisons are made between the sounds of Spanish and those of English, and students are encouraged to put theory into practice with over fifty graded exercises. Los sonidos del español will help students gain a solid understanding of the sound system of Spanish and will also be useful to scholars in phonetics and phonology. All the sounds described in this book are demonstrated in the online audio sound files which accompany this book.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Spanish Language edition

Cantidad de páginas 352



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48 Valoraciones Totales

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