Descripción del libro

An homage to the kitchen, that place in our lives where everything revolves around food, Mam� reclaims the role of food beyond mere survival. Food brings excitement, it takes imagination to invest a dish, and perhaps a recipe we've inherited can tell us something about who we are. Mina Holland talks with chefs including Jamie Oliver, Yotam Ottolenghi, Claudia Roden, and Elena Arzak, who share what their culinary inheritances are and how they've influenced them. The book is also sprinkled with recipes from her own daily life and memories--and these fragments are much more than simple cooking instructions. An homage to the kitchen, that place in our lives where everything revolves around food, Mam� reclaims the role of food beyond mere survival. Food brings excitement, it takes imagination to invest a dish, and perhaps a recipe we've inherited can tell us something about who we are. Mina Holland talks with chefs including Jamie Oliver, Yotam Ottolenghi, Claudia Roden, and Elena Arzak, who share what their culinary inheritances are and how they've influenced them. The book is also sprinkled with recipes from her own daily life and memories--and these fragments are much more than simple cooking instructions. 'Mam�' es un homenaje al lugar donde, en nuestras vidas, nace todo lo que gira en torno a la comida: nuestro hogar. En este recorrido la autora y periodista Mina Holland, ampliamente premiada y reconocida, reivindica el papel de la comida m�s all� de la pura supervivencia: la emoci�n que aporta y la imaginaci�n que supone la composici�n de un plato y c�mo las recetas que heredamos nos ayudan a analizar qui�nes somos. Para ello cuenta con la ayuda y las palabras de chefs como Jamie Oliver, Yotam Ottolenghi, Claudia Roden y Elena Arzak, quienes le descubren cu�les son sus herencias culinarias y c�mo les han influido. Holland inserta recetas a las que recurre una y otra vez en su vida diaria y recuerdos propios, fragmentos que son mucho m�s que simples instrucciones para cocinar.
Información del libro
Cantidad de páginas 288
- Mina Holland
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