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Puedo saltar

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Libro Puedo saltar

Book Features: • Ages 4-8, Grades PreK-2 • 16 pages, 8 inches x 8 inches • Simple, patterned Spanish text with full-color pictures • Includes comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency words • Graphic organizers and photo glossary included Jump Into Learning: In Listos para las Ciencias: Puedo Saltar, preschoolers—second graders learn about the different types of animals that can jump, just like you! Science Made Fun: How high can you jump? These animals can jump, too! Young readers learn about some of their favorite animals that can jump, hop, and leap! Build Reading Skills: This engaging 16-page children’s book will help your child improve comprehension and build confidence with post-reading comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency vocabulary words. Leveled Books: Part of the Listos para las Ciencias series (Ready for Science), the early reading level text and vibrant photos make this kid's book a fun, informative story that shares similarities between them and animals, like the ability to jump! Why Rourke Educational Media: Since 1980, Rourke Publishing Company has specialized in publishing engaging and diverse non-fiction and fiction books for children in a wide range of subjects that support reading success on a level that has no limits.

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Cantidad de páginas 16



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Libro Puedo nadar

Book Features: • Ages 4-8, Grades PreK-2 • 16 pages, 8 inches x 8 inches • Simple, patterned Spanish text with full-color pictures • Includes comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency words • Graphic organizers and photo glossary included Dive Into Learning: In Listos para las Ciencias: Puedo Nadar, preschoolers—second graders learn about the different types of animals that can swim, just like you! Science Made Fun: Do you know how to swim? These animals can swim, too! Young readers learn about some of their favorite animals that can swim and even live in the...

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Libro Una noche de perros

Thomas Lang es un ex policía y ahora pistolero a sueldo. Un día recibe la visita de un tal McClusky, quien le ofrece cien mil dólares por asesinar a Alexander Woolf, un empresario americano con negocios en Inglaterra y Escocia. Indignado, Lang rechaza el encargo y decide, en cambio, advertir a la víctima del peligro que corre: una buena acción que no quedará impune.

Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Libro Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in fighting for Civil Rights for all people. In this Spanish-translated biography, readers will learn about his inspirational life as he fought for equality of African Americans through nonviolence. The rich photos, supportive text, helpful glossary, timeline, table of contents, and index give readers important information for understanding King's fight against Jim Crow Laws.

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