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Wing Chun Kung-fu Volume 1

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Libro Wing Chun Kung-fu Volume 1

Introducing a new scientific approach to Wing Chun kung-fu, this book gives a clear and detailed exposition of once closely guarded techniques. Rejecting the secretive approach that characterizes much of martial arts writing, the author draws upon biomechanical theory to explain logically and scientifically how the techniques of Wing Chun kung-fu work. After an explanation of the theory behind the various Wing Chun moves, the reader is led step-by-step through each of the forms. Chi gerk and chi sao, the Wing Chun sticky-hand and sticky-leg techniques, are explained and liberally accompanied by 183 photographs detailing the important moves. An additional section devoted to weight and power training for the martial artist makes this book invaluable, not just for those interested in Wing Chun kung-fu, but for practitioners of any martial art.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Basic Forms & Principles

Cantidad de páginas 104


  • Joseph Wayne Smith, Dr.


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