Altula Chile

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¡Cepíllate los dientes!

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Libro ¡Cepíllate los dientes!

Brush your teeth up and down to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful. Brushing your teeth is easy. Paired to the fiction title My Routine.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Brush Your Teeth!

Cantidad de páginas 16



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82 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Santiago Ochoa

Construyendo una casa

Libro Construyendo una casa

It takes different parts to build a house. The floor is built first. Walls need to be added next. Windows and doors, too. Learn about the steps it takes to build a house. Paired to the fiction title We Have a Box.

¿Qué es la nieve?

Libro ¿Qué es la nieve?

Snow falls when it is cold. Find out all the different ways snow can fall during cold weather. Paired to the fiction title Building a Snowman.

¿Qué hay en el bosque?

Libro ¿Qué hay en el bosque?

Many things can be found in the woods. Some you need to watch out for. Find out about what can be found in the woods. Paired to the fiction title Billy’s Camping Trip.

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¿Qué significa ser programador? (What's It Really Like to Be a Coder?)

Libro ¿Qué significa ser programador? (What's It Really Like to Be a Coder?)

Coders are one of the reasons our computers, tablets, and smartphones can do things we couldn't have even imagined just a few years ago. It's no surprise that coders are in high demand right now and that isn't likely to slow down. Readers will learn about the basics of coding and how to turn their creative ideas into reality on the computer screen. They'll also understand why coding will become even more important as technology continues to grow and change. Colorful photographs showing the roles and education of a coder provide readers with an easy way to envision themselves in this...

Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Libro Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in fighting for Civil Rights for all people. In this Spanish-translated biography, readers will learn about his inspirational life as he fought for equality of African Americans through nonviolence. The rich photos, supportive text, helpful glossary, timeline, table of contents, and index give readers important information for understanding King's fight against Jim Crow Laws.

Hábitos positivos. Higiene

Libro Hábitos positivos. Higiene

A través de hermosas historias podrán aprender a los primeros hábitos de higiene y del cuidado del cuerpo y del entorno. Cada uno de nosotros, desde nuestro rol en la familia, puede ayudar a las niñas y los niños a desarrollar hábitos positivos de higiene para aprender a conocerse y llevar una vida saludable y feliz desde la infancia. En este libro, Plim Plim y sus amigos acompañan a los más pequeños los primeros hábitos de higiene del cuerpo y del entorno. Con tips, especialmente elaborados por profesionales para ayudar a los adultos a acompañar a los peques en el proceso.

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