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Contemporary Fashion Photographers

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Libro Contemporary Fashion Photographers

SPECIAL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Fifty contemporary, cutting-edge photo-graphers open our eyes to the magical artificiality embraced by fashion photography today: chronicling the very processes of fashion, fashion photography is like fashion itself - it celebrates the immediate, the frivolous and the ephemeral. The striking images in this book playfully flirt with superficiality as readily as they take on the more established aesthetic conventions of art photography. Ingrained with paradox and contradiction fashion photography mirrors the moods and desired of the moment. And more: self-referential as it is by nature, it is able to appeal not only to the eye, but also to the mind, questioning the very limits of desire, meaning and representation. Frivolously fabulous fashion at its best.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 497


  • Natalie Viaux


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67 Valoraciones Totales

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