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El Gigante de Glotolandia

Descripción del libro

Libro El Gigante de Glotolandia

"Look out children, the Giant of Jum is grumpy and hungry and he's off in search of a tasty snack. And the tastiest of all is a boy known as Jack! But Jack and his friends don't see a scary giant, they see a magically tall man -- a man who can fetch lost balls and rescue cats from trees! Perhaps this hungry giant is softer than he seems..."

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Elli Woollard


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42 Valoraciones Totales

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Max Viaja a Marte

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"Únete a Max cuando despega en su nueva y apasionante aventura, esta vez en compañía de los astronautas que realizan la primera misión con tripulación humana a Marte. Equipado con un traje espacial especialmente diseñado, Max olfatea para descubrir indicios de vida microscópica en Marte. ¿Tendrá éxito?"--Jacket.


Libro Feliz

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Mi viaje a Boston: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (My Trip to Boston: Working at the Same Time)

Libro Mi viaje a Boston: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (My Trip to Boston: Working at the Same Time)

Anyone can learn computer science, even at the elementary school level. This book delves into the essential computer science concept of parallelization using age-appropriate language and colorful illustrations. A meaningful storyline is paired with an accessible curricular topic to engage and excite readers. This book introduces readers to a relatable character and familiar situation, which demonstrates how parallelization is used in everyday life. Readers will follow a narrator as they go on a trip to Boston with their family. The family splits up so they can see as many historical landmarks ...

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