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Harrap's Spanish and English Dictionary

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Libro Harrap's Spanish and English Dictionary

The compact dictionary of choice for home, school, or office Developed by the highly experienced lexicographers at Harrap, Harrap’s Spanish and English Dictionary contains more than 115,000 references and 170,000 translations, including hundreds of new terms and phrases. Ideal for intermediate-level learners, this easy-to-use reference provides wide coverage of Latin American and Peninsular Spanish. Harrap’s Spanish and English Dictionary features: Hundreds of new words and expressions, including Internet terms such as browser (navegador) and newsgroup (groupo de noticias), as well as slang and idiomatic Spanish and English The broadest range of vocabulary, from fields such as finance, education, the media, the sciences, and the military A 100-page Spanish grammar summary—the most extensive of any comparable dictionary Cross-referencing of all irregular Spanish verbs to verb conjugation tables A helpful summary of common translation problems More comprehensive, more easily legible, and more up-to-date coverage than competitive titles

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Cantidad de páginas 554


  • Teresa Álvarez García
  • Harrap's


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