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"Vocabulario en que se contienen los nombres de los lugares y reinos de España" de Hernando Colón

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Libro Vocabulario en que se contienen los nombres de los lugares y reinos de España de Hernando Colón

What cities were there in early 16th-century Spain? With how many inhabitants? Were they fortified? And how many leagues apart were they? Those are the questions that Ferdinand Columbus tried to answer in his Vocabulary containing the names of the places and kingdoms of Spain. The present edition reconstructs the "cosmographic" endeavor of Christopher Columbus’ youngest son based on two codices from the Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina of Seville.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Registrum B, no 3342

Cantidad de páginas 638


  • José Javier Rodríguez Toro


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