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Liderazgo de exito

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Libro Liderazgo de exito

How easy is it to fall into wrong attitudes that twist God's purpose in our life. They begin in insignificant ways, go unnoticed, but if you do not deal with them, they will grow with such strength that they have the power to sink our ship, our ministry. Each of these attitudes is a trap that hinders our work, throws us out of focus, and we must avoid them if we want to reach God's dream for our lives. In this book you will be able to identify such traps and be free of all barriers that to date are hindering your ministry. Definitively, God has amazing plans for your life, family, and ministry. Be a part of the amazing privilege of serving God and of seeing our nations transformed by the power of the Gospel. 'If we were called to lead, we can't ignore that leaders can't be distracted.'

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Supere Los Obstaculos Y Conviertase En Un Lider De Exito

Cantidad de páginas 160


  • Osvaldo Carnival


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