Altula Chile

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Los mil días de Allende

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Libro Los mil días de Allende

"Marvelous collection of newspaper editorials, reflecting different political opinions, on the Allende period. Also contains numerous pictures as well as documents plus various political cartoons. A godsend to scholars who wish to avoid grimy archives"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 1681


  • Miguel Gonzalez Pino
  • Arturo Fontaine Talavera
  • Claudia Cárdenas


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80 Valoraciones Totales

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La ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)

Libro La ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)

"Carefully researched study of the economic impact of the Chilean occupation of Lima during the War of the Pacific. Looks at banking and the roles of emerging Spanish and Chinese merchants. Concludes that the economic 'ruin' of Lima by the end of the occupation was nearly complete. Suggests that the economic issues of the Chilean occupation were so profound that they played a significant role in delaying the final settlement of the War of the Pacific claims until 1929"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Anales de la Universidad de Chile ...

Libro Anales de la Universidad de Chile ...

Ser. 2 in two parts: [pt. 1] Articulos científicos i literarios, and [pt. 2] Boletin de instrucción pública secundaria i superior (running title: Boletín de instrucción pública; v. 6?-8? Boletin del Consejo Universitario).

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