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Lost Tales Of The Native American Indians

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Libro Lost Tales Of The Native American Indians

Native American Mythology began long before the European settlers arrived on North American soil. Contrary to popular beliefs, there is more to Native American Folklore than stories of buffalo hunts, teepee living and animal stories. Hundreds of tribes throughout North American created a huge mythological system that has rivaled that of the Greeks. Many of these tales have been lost, or are often hard to find. This collection represents a history that should be remembered. Included in this anthology are a group of collected works from the well-known, to the often-forgotten tribes. Native Americans are a proud people, with a rich heritage. They have recorded a huge amount of their history through storytelling. They were the masters of the North American plains and prairies. In these stories you will relive their history and the lives of one of North America’s First People. The stories in this book have been handed down from generation to generation. And in such tradition, they are now handed down to you to share with the next generation. Among the stories included in this collection are: Käna'sta The Lost Settlement, Sun Sister And Moon Brother, Glooscap, How The World Was Made, The Daughter Of The Sun, Manabozho’s Birth, Raven Becomes Voracious, How The Wildcat Caught The Gobbler, The Rabbit And The Tar Wolf, The Trickster’s Race, The Bungling Host, Coyote And Porcupine, Beaver And Porcupine, Why The Mole Lives Underground, The Terrapin's Escape From The Wolves, The Wish To Marry A Star, The Girl Enticed To The Sky, The Stretching Tree, The Arrow Chain, Mudjikiwis, The Visit To Chief Echo, The Deserted Children, The Princess Who Rejected Her Cousin, The Owl Gets Married, The Snake Tribe, The Conquering Gambler, The Deceived Blind Man, Manabozho’s Wolf Brother, Manabozho Plays Lacrosse, How They Brought Back The Tobacco, The Swan Maidens, The Death Of Pitch, The Red Man And The Uktena, The Snake Boy, The Rattlesnake's Vengeance, U`tlûñ'ta The Spear-finger, The Removed Townhouses, The Man Who Married The Thunder's Sister, Yahula, and many more.

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Cantidad de páginas 144



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