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Red Road Legends Of The Native American Indians

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Libro Red Road Legends Of The Native American Indians

Before the time of books, computers, tablets and recording devices, the history of many cultures was passed down, from person to person, by word of mouth. The rich histories of so many people were told in songs, chants, poems and stories. This was and still is the way of Native American tribes. Each in its own way enriching their stories with their own experiences. By reliving these stories and songs, we have the opportunity to bring life back to the ancient spirits that created them. We have a chance to walk with the spirits of the past. Native Americans used their stories to teach the children the traditions of their grandfathers. It was in this way that local customs were passed down and lessons were taught about how to live off the land and track animals. It was with stories they learned to grow crops and thrive in their natural environment. When foreign men entered and settled upon Indian sacred lands, the Native Americans were often forcibly removed. They were sent to areas unfamiliar. If it were not for their customs, language and tradition passed down through stories, they would have lost connection with who they were. These songs and myths were their way of keeping their legacy alive. Being there were so many different tribes with countless beliefs and customs, the only way to understand their ways is through understanding their stories. In this book, you will be shown a wide landscape of different tribes and hopefully present a true look at their beliefs, and understand the Native American people a little better. The mythology of North America is a cultural treasure house, but many of these myths and legends are hidden away in various old and rare books. It would be difficult for the average person to track down and collect this material because the rarity of some of these books makes them hard to find. So, this vast body of wisdom lies out of reach of most people… until now.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 198


  • G.w. Mullins


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