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Oficial de policía

Descripción del libro

Libro Oficial de policía

GRADES K–2: This Spanish title introduces early elementary students to some of the ways police officers help our communities. EARLY BILINGUAL LITERACY: Help young learners strengthen their bilingual skills—add the English version of this title into your collection, too. WHY COMMUNITY HELPERS: This collection introduces important information with kid-friendly language and engages with vivid photos and real examples. BUILD A LIBRARY: Collect every title from the collection to stock your home or classroom library. Reading together is a great way to bond while fostering communication and a lifelong love of reading.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Police Officer

Cantidad de páginas 24



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91 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Pablo De La Vega

Hiena moteada

Libro Hiena moteada

GRADES PK–2: This 16-page Spanish title (8'' x 8'') introduces early readers to the spotted hyena: how they find food, interact with social groups, and more! FEATURES: Simple Spanish text and vivid photos present fascinating facts about an amazing African animal. Comprehension questions are included to advance learning. EARLY BILINGUAL LITERACY: Help young learners strengthen their bilingual skills—add the English version of this title into your collection, too. BUILD A LIBRARY: Collect every title from the collection to stock your home or classroom library. Reading together is a great...


Libro Rinoceronte

GRADES PK–2: This 16-page Spanish title (8’’ x 8’’) introduces early readers to the rhinoceros—what they look like, what they eat, and who rides on their backs! FEATURES: Simple Spanish text and vivid photos present fascinating facts about an amazing African animal. Comprehension questions are included to advance learning. EARLY BILINGUAL LITERACY: Help young learners strengthen their bilingual skills—add the English version of this title into your collection, too. BUILD A LIBRARY: Collect every title from the collection to stock your home or classroom library. Reading together...

Más libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción

Su pequeña princesa

Libro Su pequeña princesa

Un maravilloso obsequio para esa princesa especial que hay en tu vida: cartas personales de su Rey. ¡Cada día ella encontrará inspiración en una carta para vivir como la princesa radiante que es! ¡Ahora, las niñas entre cuatro y nueve años pueden descubrir que en verdad están llamadas a ser parte de una familia real! Comprenderán lo mucho que las ama y adora Dios, el Rey de reyes.

Actividades Para Tercer Grado/Activities for Third Grader

Libro Actividades Para Tercer Grado/Activities for Third Grader

Worksheets designed for use in Spanish immersion classrooms, as a supplement for parents to use with their children for extra practice, or for use by any classroom teacher who wishes to incorporate Spanish instruction in the classroom in the curriculum areas of language arts, math, social studies, and science.

Ovnis/ UFOs

Libro Ovnis/ UFOs

Presents the mystery of UFOs, including current theories and famous sightings. Written in English and Spanish.

Los niños precoces

Libro Los niños precoces

Los niños/as precoces presentan necesidades específicas, frecuentemente desconocidas por sus educadores y que condicionan su equilibrio y su felicidad. Este libro responde con lenguaje sencillo a preguntas como éstas: ¿Cómo identificar la precocidad? ¿Qué necesidades educativas especiales presenta un niño o niña precoz? ¿Cuál es el papel específico de la escuela y la familia? ¿Dónde buscar ayuda, apoyo y consejo?

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