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Dentro de los ecosistemas y los biomas (Inside Ecosystems and Biomes)

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Libro Dentro de los ecosistemas y los biomas (Inside Ecosystems and Biomes)

Explore the different types of ecosystems and biomes through this captivating Spanish book, featuring vivid images, charts and graphs, and interesting facts! Readers will be excited as they learn about the tundra, grassland, desert, and temperate forests, as well as riparian and pelagic biomes. A glossary, index, and an engaging experiment are included to help children further understand the content.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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38 Valoraciones Totales

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Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)

Libro Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)

Take a journey into the wild world of reptiles and amphibians! Readers will learn about crocodiles, lizards, snakes, tortoises, and salamanders. Featuring a glossary, index, colorful images and charts, intriguing facts, and clear, informative text, readers will be sure to be enthralled as they move through this engaging, Spanish-translated book.

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Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls)

Libro Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls)

Featuring TIME For Kids content, this Spanish resource, Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls), aligns with NGSS standards to teach young learners about forces and interactions. The engaging photos encourage students to describe what is happening using their own words. This full-color, wordless picture book can be used in the classroom or at home to teach children the difference between pushing and pulling.

El diamante oscuro

Libro El diamante oscuro

Alina acaba de recibir una en la que se le comunica que, junto a un joven desconocido, es la heredera de un codiciado diamante, por el que hay gente dispuesta a matar. Para evitar que esta joya caiga en manos indebidas, Alina se verá obligada a vivir una vertiginosa aventura contrarreloj en la que descubrirá que algunas personas son como cierta clase de diamantes: oscuros en la superficie, pero capaces de brillar en su interior.

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