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Libro Ecuador

Ecuador is a country with multiple crossroads; crossroads that demand a deep reflection and analysis in different keys and disciplinary fields. This volume addresses some of them: the country's international relations and the integration processes in which it is immersed; the complex socio-environmental problems that generate situations of risk for citizens and nature; the acute social crises and scenarios of protest and political conflict; the crisis of a political and economic model based on public spending, extractivism and the deterioration of rights, in the context in which the possible end of a political cycle with the start of the Lenín Moreno Government is discussed. This book is an academic approach to these problems, the result of the work of reflection and research of teachers from various areas of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, whose presentations were presented, in a preliminary version, within the framework of the Ecuador conferences 2015 and Ecuador 2016 that, year after year, our house of studies organizes to analyze the hottest and most problematic issues of the Ecuadorian situation.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : balance de una década : crisis socioambiental, extractivismo, política e integración

Cantidad de páginas 378


  • César Montúfar


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