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El ciclo del nitrógeno (The Nitrogen Cycle)

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Libro El ciclo del nitrógeno (The Nitrogen Cycle)

There are many steps in the nitrogen cycle that include difficult concepts and words: denitrification, prokaryotes, ammonia, and more. With the help of this understandable book, even struggling readers will grasp this cycle of nature. Low-level language, fact boxes, and an extended glossary provide readers with essential vocabulary explanations that allow them to further understand each step of the cycle. Full-color diagrams aid readers' comprehension as they move through the cycle from start to finish, and then around again.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Santana Hunt


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94 Valoraciones Totales

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Vamos a divertirnos con organigramas: Seguir instrucciones (Fun with Flowcharts: Following Instructions)

Libro Vamos a divertirnos con organigramas: Seguir instrucciones (Fun with Flowcharts: Following Instructions)

Computer science is all around us, at school, at home, and in the community. This book gives readers the essential tools they need to understand the computer science concept of algorithms and procedures. Brilliant color photographs and accessible text will engage readers and allow them to connect deeply with the concept. The computer science topic is paired with an age-appropriate curricular topic to deepen readers' learning experience and show how algorithms and procedures work in the real world. In this book, readers will learn how flowcharts can be used to teach people how to complete a...

El arte como vivencia de ocio

Libro El arte como vivencia de ocio

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