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En el bosque (In the Forest): Early Fluent Plus (Nonfiction Readers)

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Libro En el bosque (In the Forest): Early Fluent Plus (Nonfiction Readers)

Take a trip through the different forests of the world to discover where forests are located and what types of animals are native to forests. This book features colorful pictures, a detailed map of forests on earth, and vocabulary related to forests.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 24



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Otros libros de Howard Rice

Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest) (Spanish Version)

Libro Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest) (Spanish Version)

From where they are located to the various animals that live there, early readers discover the lush forests of the world in this inviting, Spanish-translated nonfiction title that features vivid, brilliant images in conjunction with informational text and intriguing facts about this amazing ecosystem.

Entra al desierto (Step into the Desert)

Libro Entra al desierto (Step into the Desert)

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Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest) 6-Pack

Libro Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest) 6-Pack

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