Altula Chile

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Entrevistas cubanas

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Libro Entrevistas cubanas

Drawing on the personal experiences and observations of Cubans living both in Cuba and in Miami, this informative study provides a close-up look at Cuban society and culture, examining what life is like for the Cuban people after nearly fifty years of Castro's rule, how Cubans living in the United States manage, and the relationship between the two groups of Cubans.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : historias de una nación dividida

Cantidad de páginas 167


  • Felipe Arocena
  • William Noland


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80 Valoraciones Totales

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Historia general de Chile I

Libro Historia general de Chile I

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Breve historia de Cervantes

Libro Breve historia de Cervantes

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La Vida Intacta

Libro La Vida Intacta

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