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Erinnerung, Niederschrift, Nutzung

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Libro Erinnerung, Niederschrift, Nutzung

The volume is a collection of papers held at a conference devoted to the in-depth study of the history of the Roman-Iberian relationship against the backdrop of ecclesiastical and cultural structures of the Iberian Peninsula, which in many cases took on new forms in the course of the Reconquista and the consolidation of the country. The recently intensified focus on questions concerning the relationship between Rome as "center" and its European "peripheries" through research on Iberian papal documents opens up new perspectives.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Das Papsttum und Die Schriftlichkeit Im Mittelalterlichen Westeuropa

Cantidad de páginas 272


  • Klaus Herbers
  • Ingo Fleisch


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