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I Use Math at the Game

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Libro I Use Math at the Game

This book describes how the activity of attending a baseball game requires using math for keeping score.

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Cantidad de páginas 32



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Otros libros de Joanne Mattern

Dinosaur Skeletons and Skulls

Libro Dinosaur Skeletons and Skulls

Beginning readers will be captivated by the creatures they meet in this Spanish translation of Prehistoric Creatures. The simple text describes ancient animals that swam the seas, soared through the skies, and roamed the Earth long before people existed. Each book describes a group of dinosaurs that shared one or two fascinating features. Dazzling illustrations help bring these amazing creatures to life!

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Libro Canada

Let's explore the diverse biomes and geography that covers the vast expanse of Canada! This book also highlights the different animals that inhabit this country as well as Canada's most popular sports. Language arts connection is vocabulary related to Canada, its varied landforms, and inhabitants.

Efemérides nacionales comentadas

Libro Efemérides nacionales comentadas

Las Efemérides Nacionales comentadas que nos presenta Floridor Pérez van mucho más allá del qué, el cuándo y el quién de los acontecimientos; aquí se aspira a proporcionarnos una lectura activa, que nos ayude también a conocer el cómo, el porqué y el para qué de los sucesos históricos. Es una lectura que no intenta competir con el estudio de la Historia ni mucho menos reemplazarlo, sino facilitarlo y ojalá motivarlo, tentándonos a ir más allá del simple dato. Se pueden encontrar comentarios o incluso anécdotas capaces de convertir en un puente entretenido lo que antes pudo...

Construyendo una casa

Libro Construyendo una casa

It takes different parts to build a house. The floor is built first. Walls need to be added next. Windows and doors, too. Learn about the steps it takes to build a house. Paired to the fiction title We Have a Box.

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