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The design of this essay is to afford a glimpse of Immanuel's land; to exhibit some of the powerful attractions of that world of glory. To those who are asking the way to Zion, with their faces toward there, the author knows that his present theme will be at all times refreshing. Future felicity in Heaven is the most cheering subject that can be presented for the contemplation of the Christian in this valley of tears. What can be more delightful than for the weary pilgrim who is fast hastening to mansions in the skies, to meditate on the glories of his future home? There is much in this subject to animate us in the thorny pathway to immortality. It affords hope in life's darkest hour; it points with its glorious light to the realms of bliss, where no tear is ever shed and where no sorrow ever enters. There is much in Immanuel's land to engage our hearts in holy meditation while we sojourn as strangers and pilgrims here. The bright mansions of our Father's house- the many crowns of glory laid up for us there- the joyous rest that remains for our weary souls- the sweet employment of the redeemed in glory- the endeared society in the heavenly home; all are presented to attract us to heaven- to induce us to set our affections on things above. Then, let us fix our hearts more steadfastly upon heavenly joys- upon the glories of Immanuel's land. In handling this delightful subject, the Word of God has been our guide. To this blessed volume we are indebted for all the revelations that have been made of the glory of the celestial world. In the Bible we obtain a glimpse of the glorious land. May He whose infinite love fitted up those bright abodes of bliss, bless our present effort to the souls of men, in leading them to lay up their treasures in Heaven, and to choose that better part which shall never be taken away from them. Heavenly meditation is a delightful work, in which our souls should be daily engaged, until we enter the portals of glory, and begin our unending song in the paradise of God. O! may that sweet hour soon come. "O! soon may Heaven unclose to me! O! may I soon that glory see! And my faint, weary spirit, stand Within that happy, happy land!"

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 70


  • David Harsha


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