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José Guadalupe Posada Y la Hoja Volante Mexicana

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Libro José Guadalupe Posada Y la Hoja Volante Mexicana

These powerful and visually arresting newspaper illustrations and woodcut broadsides whose subjects range from news to religion, from corridos (escapades of bandits and heroes) to calveras (skeletal figures associated with the Day of the Dead)reflect indigenous folk-art traditions. In his graphically powerful penny handbills, Posada responded to the political and social issues of his day, addressed cultural ills, and spread moral ideas. Focusing on the Art Institute of Chicago's impressive and previously unpublished collection of prints by Posada, this book examines his work and places it in the larger context of Mexican printmaking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 40


  • Diane Helen Miliotes
  • José Guadalupe Posada


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