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La constitución del campamento: Read-Along eBook

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Libro La constitución del campamento: Read-Along eBook

Act out the story of a group of children who need to set rules for their camping trip! They use the United States Constitution as an example, discovering the reasons it was written, what it means for democracy in our country, and how it gives citizens rights, laws, and freedoms. Will the children be able to make a camping constitution of their own? This script has been translated into Spanish and includes six roles, each of which match a different reading level. Teachers can apply differentiation and English language learner strategies to the script to assign roles in a way that accommodates all students, whether they are struggling or proficient readers. All students can engage in one activity together, gaining confidence in their reading fluency and feeling successful, regardless of their current reading ability! An accompanying song and poem provide additional resources to help students build fluency! Along with reading fluency improvement, students will also practice reading aloud, interacting cooperatively, and using expressive voices and gestures by performing this charming story together. This dynamic, colorful script is sure to benefit a classroom of varied readers!

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 20


  • Christi Sorrell


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