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Martin Lutero: Predicador de La Cruz

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Libro Martin Lutero: Predicador de La Cruz

Suffering is a global predicament, and the shepherds of God's people in every nation need to know how to minister to their flocks in times of trial. God revealed Himself to the Church through His Son's suffering and death on the cross. This title equips pastors to bring those entrusted to their care closer to Him in the middle of life's sorrows and afflictions. Through the use of selected letters, Martin Luther: Preacher of the Cross presents compelling evidence for the reformer's application of his evangelical theology. Luther believed that above all else, the pastor offers spiritual counsel. This insightful book advances the scriptural and confessional role of the pastor as the caretaker of souls.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 160


  • John T. Pless


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