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Mujeres millonarias

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Libro Mujeres millonarias

Mujeres Millionarias inspires all women to think more powerfully about money and success and to be motivated by confidence, pride and a belief in their own ability to manage it. Women will learn to enjoy the process of accumulating wealth and achieving success without the guilt and fear they traditionally experienced. The authors researched a simple question: If the formula for making money and building wealth could be distilled down to one thing, what would it be? The answers, from women like Lillian Vernon and Mary Kay, include ideas for investing wisely or starting a business. These and other successful women willingly share their secrets and tools needed to accumulate real and lasting wealth.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : como conseguir el éxito económico, la independencia y la seguridad para ti y tu familia

Cantidad de páginas 204


  • Bettina Flores
  • Jennifer Basye Sander


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23 Valoraciones Totales

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