Altula Chile

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¿Qué hay en el bosque?

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Libro ¿Qué hay en el bosque?

Many things can be found in the woods. Some you need to watch out for. Find out about what can be found in the woods. Paired to the fiction title Billy’s Camping Trip.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : What's in the Woods?

Cantidad de páginas 16



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59 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Santiago Ochoa

¿Qué es la nieve?

Libro ¿Qué es la nieve?

Snow falls when it is cold. Find out all the different ways snow can fall during cold weather. Paired to the fiction title Building a Snowman.

Construyendo una casa

Libro Construyendo una casa

It takes different parts to build a house. The floor is built first. Walls need to be added next. Windows and doors, too. Learn about the steps it takes to build a house. Paired to the fiction title We Have a Box.

Más libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción

Dentro de los ecosistemas y los biomas (Inside Ecosystems and Biomes)

Libro Dentro de los ecosistemas y los biomas (Inside Ecosystems and Biomes)

Explore the different types of ecosystems and biomes through this captivating Spanish book, featuring vivid images, charts and graphs, and interesting facts! Readers will be excited as they learn about the tundra, grassland, desert, and temperate forests, as well as riparian and pelagic biomes. A glossary, index, and an engaging experiment are included to help children further understand the content.

MIS Amigos Tienen Sindrome de Down (My Friend Has Down Syndrom

Libro MIS Amigos Tienen Sindrome de Down (My Friend Has Down Syndrom

In My Friend Has Down Syndrome, beginning readers are introduced to different characters who have Down syndrome, how Down syndrome may affect their actions, and how we can be good friends to people who have Down syndrome. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how to empathetic and inlude all kinds of friends.


Libro Luciérnagas

Con una voz íntima que modula sobresaltos y nebulosas, Ana María Matute nos enfrenta a las experiencias de un grupo de jóvenes, casi niños, a quienes la guerra civil ha despojado de cualquier resto de su anterior universo infantil. El escenario escogido es una Barcelona de soldados y mujeres mal pintadas, de refugiados y mendigos, de gentes ocultas que intentan sobrevivir día a día en medio de los escombros, la luz blanquecina de los reflectores, los bombardeos y la amenazada espera. Pero más allá de un tiempo y un espacio concretos, el propósito de la escritora es presentar a unos...

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