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Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea) (Spanish Version)

Descripción del libro

Libro Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea) (Spanish Version)

There are millions of animals that call the ocean home. Some of these animals are in danger. Readers will learn about marine animals that are at risk of becoming endangered and what people and activists like Jacques Cousteau have done to help. Readers will also learn about the causes of endangered animals, including pollution and overfishing and learn steps they can do to help the conservation and preservation of these beautiful animals and sea life. Through vibrant images, informational text, stunning facts, a glossary of terms, and a list of additional resources, readers are sure to be engaged and inspired to help out these animals in any way they can.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 64



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15 Valoraciones Totales

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