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Animales de la Jungla En Peligro

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Libro Animales de la Jungla En Peligro

In this Spanish title, learn about what makes endangered jungle animals so unique and why they need to be protected.

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Cantidad de páginas 64



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Otros libros de William B. Rice

Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea) (Spanish Version)

Libro Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea) (Spanish Version)

There are millions of animals that call the ocean home. Some of these animals are in danger. Readers will learn about marine animals that are at risk of becoming endangered and what people and activists like Jacques Cousteau have done to help. Readers will also learn about the causes of endangered animals, including pollution and overfishing and learn steps they can do to help the conservation and preservation of these beautiful animals and sea life. Through vibrant images, informational text, stunning facts, a glossary of terms, and a list of additional resources, readers are sure to be...

Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Libro Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Jane Goodall had a passion to learn about animals. Readers will learn all about her adventurous life among chimpanzees and other primates in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will be fascinated by the vibrant images, stimulating facts, and accessible glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement.

Las estrellas (Stars)

Libro Las estrellas (Stars)

Bright stars twinkle in the night sky. Have you looked up into the sky on a clear night and seen these tiny points of light? Did you know that there are many kinds of stars in space? Find out all about them in this Spanish-translated book.

Más libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción


Libro Piquiriquitraque

A collection of words that turn into phrases, phrases that form verses, verses that make songs and songs that tell of adventures, jokes and mischief.

Bocas de animales / Animal Mouths

Libro Bocas de animales / Animal Mouths

¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que nosotros podemos aprender sobre los animales tomando en cuenta la forma de sus bocas o picos? ¿Qué podemos deducir sobre los animales con dientes filosos comparados con los que tienen dientes largos y planos? ¿Existen algunos animales sin bocas? En esta secuela sobre las series de Adaptaciones de animales, la galardonada fotógrafa y educadora naturalista Mary Holland comparte las fascinantes bocas de los animales con los lectores de todas las edades.

Mis pies tienen raíz

Libro Mis pies tienen raíz

Mujeres, mujeres, mujeres. Apenas estamos descubriendo cuántas científicas, pintoras, escritoras, activistas, cocineras y tantas otras mujeres se han quedado sin entrar en la Historia con H mayúscula a pesar de su talento, valor y dedicación. Todavía hay muchas historias por descubrir. El colectivo Cúmulo de Tesla, conformado por mujeres (y un hombre) provenientes de muchas disciplinas, narra en este libro las andanzas de 21 mujeres y grupos de mujeres. Cada una, desde el lugar que le tocó o el que escogió —el aula, la política, la cultura o el convento— dejó huellas indelebles. ...

El Libro del Periodo

Libro El Libro del Periodo

What is my period exactly? Do I need to see a doctor? What does it feel like to wear a pad? What if I get my period at school? Karen Gravelle and her fifteen-year-old niece, Jennifer Gravelle, have written a down-to-earth and practical book that answers any questions you might have about your period, from what it is and what it feels like, to how to choose pads and tampons, to how to talk to your parents about it. The Period Book will help guide you through all the physical, emotional, and social changes that come with your period, as well as related issues like dealing with pimples, mood...

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