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Como Afrontar Una Perdida

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Libro Como Afrontar Una Perdida

Life and death are the two ends of a timeline full of births and loses. Pain and loss unleash helplessness, while rage and grief make it difficult for us to repair the feelings of fear and insecurity - which end up manifesting themselves in the form of physical ailments: migraines, headaches, anxiety... By accepting them, we will learn to manage suffering and live with them. To face the losses we are so afraid of (socioeconomic status, our health, freedom, youth, love or even death itself), I suggest you train your thoughts and emotions using your imagination, visualization, and reflection so as to modify your behavior during the grieving process, even if you feel like crying, helpless or afraid to go out. Smiling or having fun may make you feel guilty, but I will accompany you through all these stages, helping you to identify and alleviate unbearable moments. Together, we will find meaning in life after having lost someone, we will learn to live without forgetting what we lost, and will find a special place in our hearts and our minds so as to be able to enjoy ourselves without wondering "why me?".

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 144


  • María Esther Varas Doval


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