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Frutas En Miplato/Fruits on Myplate

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Libro Frutas En Miplato/Fruits on Myplate

Simple text and photographs introduce USDA's MyPlate tool and present healthy fruit options for children.

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Cantidad de páginas 26



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Otros libros de Mari C. Schuh

Mi Vida Con Dislexia

Libro Mi Vida Con Dislexia

Scott likes coding and playing basketball. He also has dyslexia. Scott is real and so are his experiences. Learn about his life in this illustrated narrative nonfiction picture book for elementary students. This is a North American Spanish translation of My Life with Dyslexia. Kids are naturally curious about differences and disabilities. Scott sheds light on his life, with the help of experienced children's author Mari Schuh. Scott is not defined by his disorder, but he does some things differently than neurotypical people. Beautiful illustrations and a dyslexic-friendly font promote...

El grupo de la leche

Libro El grupo de la leche

Vivid photographs and bilingual text explain each food group, revealing how each group is important for good health, how to make healthy choices, and fun things children can do to stay in shape.

Más libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción

La chica de la ginebra

Libro La chica de la ginebra

El libro comienza con una novala, La Chica de la Ginebra. Anabela Ríos es una chica que acaba de perder a su madre. Su padre se ha encargado de buscar una nueva familia y su nuevo hermanastro, Gabriel, se convertirá no solo en su cómplice y mayor aliado, sino también en su peor enemigo. La segunda parte del libro es un análisis profundo sobre el alcohol, sus hábitos de consumo y efectos, con todo tipo de información y documentación.

¡No significa no!

Libro ¡No significa no!

'No Means No!' is a children's picture book about an empowered little girl who has a very strong and clear voice in all issues, especially those relating to her body and personal boundaries. This book can be read to children from 3 to 9 years. It is a springboard for discussions regarding children's choices and their rights. The 'Note to the Reader' at the beginning of the book and the 'Discussion Questions' on the final pages, guide and enhance this essential discussion. It is crucial that our children, from a very young age, are taught to have a clear, strong voice in regards to their...

SUMANDO y RESTANDO en el club de matemáticas (ADDING and SUBTRACTING in Math Club)

Libro SUMANDO y RESTANDO en el club de matemáticas (ADDING and SUBTRACTING in Math Club)

This Spanish-language series presents the complete range of math concepts and skills students are expected to master during the first grade. The series moves sequentially, from easiest to hardest concepts, with each book covering a different math topic. The first volume reviews the math concepts students learned in kindergarten. The next six books cover counting, adding and subtracting, tables and graphs, money, patterns, and measuring. The eighth volume is a summary of the math concepts students have studied throughout the year. Each book presents situations that show the relevance of math...

Del Plata a Sudáfrica, solo y a vela pura

Libro Del Plata a Sudáfrica, solo y a vela pura

El 13 de mayo de 1994, casualmente cuando la República de Sudáfrica festejaba la histórica victoria de Nelson Mandela en las elecciones presidenciales, Hernán Luis Biasotti arribó al puerto de Ciudad del Cabo. Realizó el viaje navegando completamente solo a través del Atlántico Sur desde Buenos Aires, sin escalas y sin apoyo ni ayuda externa de ningún tipo. El Eos II, su velero de ocho metros de eslora, carecía voluntariamente de motor auxiliar, piloto automático, medios de comunicación, instrumental satelital y otras facilidades que ya eran de uso habitual. Sin pretender emular a ...

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