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Los amigos de Becky

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Libro Los amigos de Becky

This Spanish edition of Becky and Her Friends, by Rolando Hinojosa, is the latest novel in Hinojosa's Klail City Death Trip series which follows generations of Anglos and Mexicans in the fictional Rio Grande Valley town of Klail City, Texas. In this novel, however, Hinojosa focuses on a character who has previously not taken the limelight: the strong-willed, upwardly mobile Becky Escobar. Following her story, Hinojosa explores the world of Latinas: women's culture, language and spirit in the world of the Valley. Delightfully playful in narrative perspective, this story gives the reader a glimpse through the eyes of the female side of Klail City.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 128



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32 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Rolando Hinojosa

Estampas del valle

Libro Estampas del valle

The Clasicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics series is intended to ensure the long-term accessibility of deserving works of Chicano literature and culture that have become unavailable over the years or that are in imminent danger of becoming inaccessible. Each of the volumes includes an introduction contextualizing the work within Chicano literature and a bibliography of works by and about the author. The series is designed to be a vehicle that will help in the recuperation of Raza literary history and permit the continued experience and enjoyment of our literature by both present and future...

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Libro 1001+ Frases Básicas Español - Checo

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Aprender Sueco - Rápido / Fácil / Eficaz

Libro Aprender Sueco - Rápido / Fácil / Eficaz

Este libro contiene un vocabulario con las 2000 palabras y frases más comunes ordenadas por frecuencia de uso en la conversación diaria. Este libro de vocabulario sigue la regla 80/20, de manera que aprenderá primero las estructuras y palabras más importantes que le ayudarán a progresar con rapidez y mantener la motivación. ¿Quién debería comprar este libro? Este libro está dirigido a estudiantes de sueco de nivel principiante e intermedio con iniciativa y dispuestos a dedicar de 15 a 20 minutos al día a aprender vocabulario. Este libro de vocabulario presenta una estructura...

Kleiner Pilgersprachführer

Libro Kleiner Pilgersprachführer

Dieser kleine Sprachführer hilft Ihnen, sich in den für Pilger typischen Situationen korrekt auf Spanisch verständlich zu machen, und bahnt Ihnen mit einer Portion Humor den Weg in die Herzen der Menschen des Gastgeberlandes Spanien. Mit nur wenigen Worten auf Baskisch und Galicisch werden Sie in den abgelegensten Dörfern für freudig überraschte Passanten am Wegrand sorgen, und auch wer seine Pilgerbrüdern oder -schwestern aus aller Welt in deren Heimatsprache begrüßen oder seine Liebe gestehen will, findet hier genau die treffenden Worte. Das vorliegende Handbuch wurde von dem...

El subjuntivo 2

Libro El subjuntivo 2

El subjuntivo 2 provides insight into the more complex functions of the subjunctive in Spanish. Each lesson is presented in context, allowing students to discover grammar functions organically. The grammar books of Colección Paso a paso are appropriate for both the self-directed student who wants to focus on grammar outside of the classroom, and the teacher who is looking for new techniques in grammar instruction. Topics are presented intuitively and in manageable segments, and language skills are arranged by level of difficulty.

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