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Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

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Libro Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in fighting for Civil Rights for all people. In this Spanish-translated biography, readers will learn about his inspirational life as he fought for equality of African Americans through nonviolence. The rich photos, supportive text, helpful glossary, timeline, table of contents, and index give readers important information for understanding King's fight against Jim Crow Laws.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Marchar para la igualdad (Marching for Equality)



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Otros libros de Stephanie Macceca

El Juramento de Lealtad (The Pledge of Allegiance) (Spanish Version)

Libro El Juramento de Lealtad (The Pledge of Allegiance) (Spanish Version)

Act out the story of two boy scouts who learn the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance! This script has been translated into Spanish and features roles written to match different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. By utilizing these strategies, teachers can assign specific roles to their readers based on everyone's current reading level. This feature allows everyone to get involved in the same activity and feel successful! All readers can gain confidence in their reading fluency through performance, regardless of their current reading ability....

El Juramento de Lealtad (The Pledge of Allegiance) 6-Pack

Libro El Juramento de Lealtad (The Pledge of Allegiance) 6-Pack

Act out the story of two boy scouts who learn the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance! This script has been translated into Spanish and features roles written to match different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. By utilizing these strategies, teachers can assign specific roles to their readers based on everyone's current reading level. This feature allows everyone to get involved in the same activity and feel successful! All readers can gain confidence in their reading fluency through performance, regardless of their current reading ability....

Jackie Robinson 6-Pack

Libro Jackie Robinson 6-Pack

This Spanish-translated biography introduces readers to Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play Major League Baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Featuring lively images and inspirational text in conjunction with a helpful glossary, index, and timeline of Robinson's life, this title will engage readers as they read about Jackie's life as a college athlete, his start in the Negro League, his stand against segregation, and how he became the first person to ever get named Rookie of the Year. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Más libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción

Biblia Para Mi = Bible for Me

Libro Biblia Para Mi = Bible for Me

La Biblia para mí introduce a los niños a sus historias bíblicas favoritas creadas especialmente para captar la atención de los preescolares. La Biblia para mí presenta algunas de las historias del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento más amadas por los niños como la creación, el arca, el nacimiento de Jesús, los panes y los peces y más. Las distintivas ilustraciones en estilo de caricatura combinadas con una narración vívida y sólida construcción harán de este libro, un tesoro para todo preescolar.

El precio del trono

Libro El precio del trono

Ésta es la historia de dos príncipes hermanos unidos por su lucha común contra el usurpador que provocó la muerte de su padre y robó su trono. Ambos irán distanciándose en una rivalidad por la pasión que despierta en ellos la misma fascinante mujer, y porque las propias gestas que les reportan poder y gloria también les hacen saborear el sutil veneno del orgullo, la ambición y la envidia... pues sólo uno puede ceñir la corona. Leeréis una epopeya fantástica pero pseudohistórica, en un mundo imaginario lleno de aventuras.

¡Nos encanta el azul! (We Love Blue!)

Libro ¡Nos encanta el azul! (We Love Blue!)

Blue is a beautiful color, and it's all around us, as this volume demonstrates. Readers are presented with multiple vivid hues of the color blue through recognizable objects, such as flowers, fish, and blueberries. They'll also be able to practice their vocabulary while reading comprehensible sentences. They can demonstrate their understanding of the color concept by completing the activity at the end of this book.

A través de Oriente

Libro A través de Oriente

El valenciano Ibn Yubayr, al escribir las impresiones de su viaje y redactarlas cuidadosamente, se convirtió, en el siglo xii, en el fundador del género literario de las letras arábigas conocido como la rihla o relación de viaje. Pronto, este viaje modélico sería considerado la obra maestra del género, siendo imitada durante siglos pero sin llegar a ser igualada. Ninguno de sus seguidores nos ha transmitido un cuadro tan acabado y tan vivo de los principales centros del Oriente árabe (Alejandría, El Cairo, La Meca, Bagdad, Damasco...). Ninguno ha dejado descripciones más precisas de ...

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