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Libro Sancho-Madridejos

"Taking over the baton from their mentor and friend Eduardo Chillida, the architects Juan Carlos Sancho (San Sebastián, 1957) and Sol Madridejos (Madrid, 1958) have pursued a sensitive dialectic between matter and void that lies at the foundations of a fertile formal laboratory, one where the fold is an instrument with great potential in the attainment of structural, spatial, and material coherence. In these pages Arquitectura Viva presents a selection of four Spanish works – ranging from a small chapel to a large educational complex – in which the duo composes variations on the same theme but at different scales, concluding with a coda on a recent international project." -- Provided by publisher.

Información del libro

Tñitulo Secundario : placeres del pliegue

Cantidad de páginas 80


  • Luis Fernández-galiano


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96 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Interiores

The English edition of In Detail: Interior Spaces has sold over 5000 copies since it was released in 2002. This highly successful volume, looking at materials, lighting, colours and the technical aspects of interior design, is now also available in Romanic language editions.

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