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Vascular Surgery Online

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Libro Vascular Surgery Online

This definitive 2-volume set provides encyclo¬pedic, authoritative coverage of all aspects of vascular surgery. The exhaus¬tively revised and completely updated 6th Edition incorporates greater coverage of endovascular applications through¬out, along with fresh approaches to key areas such as vascular access, imaging, and non-operative man¬agement. In addition, it is now available as a multimedia , offering readers enhanced reference power plus weekly updates for the life of the edition. Purchase of this product includes a limited personal license for use exclusively by the individual who has purchased the product. This license and access to the web site operates strictly on the basis of a single user per PIN. The sharing of passwords is strictly prohibited, and any attempt to do so will invalidate the password. The license and access may not be lent, resold, or otherwise circulated. Full details of the license and terms and conditions of use are available upon registration. Your purchase of Vascular Surgery Online, 6th Edition entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should online access to the web site be discontinued.

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  • Robert B. Rutherford
  • Jack L. Cronenwett, M.d.
  • Wayne Johnston


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