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Conversacion y repaso

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Libro Conversacion y repaso

The highly successful intermediate Spanish three volume program provides instructors with a wealth of materials unified in content and offering a variety of teaching and learning options for successful outcomes. Students benefit from the abundant grammar and conversation practice in all three volumes, and learn to approach a topic or issue from multiple viewpoints. Conversacion y repaso is the grammar and conversational text designed to be used with one or both of the accompanying readers, Civilizacion y cultura and Literatura y arte. The purpose of the text is to review and expand upon the essential points of grammar covered in the first year and to provide the student with ample opportunity for developing communication skills through the application of these concepts in real life situations. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Información del libro

Cantidad de páginas 352


  • Lynn A. Sandstedt
  • Ralph Kite
  • John G. Copeland


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56 Valoraciones Totales

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