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La historia de las innovaciones victorianas: Fracciones equivalentes (The History of Victorian Innovations: Equivalent Fractions)

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Libro La historia de las innovaciones victorianas: Fracciones equivalentes (The History of Victorian Innovations: Equivalent Fractions)

Learn about the Victorian era while building your knowledge of equivalent fractions! Students will learn fractions while engaged in reading about the innovations of the Victorian era. This Spanish book combines mathematics and literacy skills, and uses practical, real-world examples of problem solving to teach math and language arts content. The glossary, index, and table of contents will further understanding of reading and math concepts, and the full-color images, practice problems, and math graphs and charts make learning math easy, practical, and fun. The Explore Math sidebars and Math Talk problems will develop students’ higher order thinking skills, and also provide additional opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned.

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Cantidad de páginas 32



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La historia de las innovaciones victorianas: Fracciones equivalentes: Read-along ebook

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